Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Small Little Traditions Loosing Out

Today is my mom's birthday . So I went to Archies gift store to get a card and a gift for her. This shop is quite big , probably the biggest in mumbai . Rows and Columns of cards ... New Year , Christmas , Friendship , Proposals etc . I was searching around my Mother bday cards , finally found them in one corner , one single column of cards , next to Father Bday cards.

So I asked the pretty sales girl " why there are so less card for mother and fathers bday " . Her reply was intresting " Nobody nowdays buys cards for them ( moms n dads ) . This bunch of cards have been around for 4 months. In fact all the cards you see for new years are leftovers , we already had ordered lesser than usual , still they didnt sell enough as we thought "

Sending Virtual cards when you are miles away from love ones is acceptable , but to see the small tradition of going to the gift shop to buy a card for your parents vanishing slowly is not . We will happily buy a huge card for her [ or you know the consequences ;-) ] , but not for parents , uncles and aunties ?

I guess the traditions are changing with times.


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