Thursday, February 10, 2005


Silence sounds peaceful to soothe the violent mind
Negate from everything to feel the beauty, one of a kind
Day dreaming lost in a mosaic of thoughts
A new world to explore, complex maze not to be lost
Different facets merged as one for a final story
The characters are me and my darkly shadow
We exchange our roles because it suits us better
Another excuse to get me a sorry makeover
Sweat trickling forehead, confused wandering between two states
Consciously asleep to slow down mind’s pace
Awakening to reality sounds disturbing
Dominatrix control of my slave alter ego
Jealous of freedom of thought forces me to loose my mind
Rewind to an unknown time
Little arms and feet dangling free looking up to an open sky
Listen young man, who are you and what are you doing in my dream
Share your secret to your happiness n glee
Slap me to remind me of forgotten childhood memories
What happened to you, you used to be so happy he says
Don’t you remember, you were the happiest one around
Now look at you, searching your destiny wandering dumbfound
And then it transforms into this monstrous alter self
Got you again, dumb self portraying being
My life is just going to end, death doesn’t induce fear
Wake up from your dream boy; you still have a world to face here
Eyes open to this thought of burden
At least my darkly shadow will give me company, wont you dear
How can it, we had exchanged our role
Then I realized I had slept with a mirror in my hand, I hold


Blogger geetu said...

"Consciously asleep to slow down mind’s pace
Awakening to reality sounds disturbing"
"What happened to you, you used to be so happy he says"

cant say much bout the poem.. its a lil heavy for me!! but i really liked these lines..

February 10, 2005 4:09 PM  
Blogger Puneet said...

thanks geetu :) ... this was heavy eh , ive got heavier ;)

February 10, 2005 6:49 PM  

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