Saturday, May 07, 2005

Long Time , No Update

Me not blogging is an issue , Wow :-).Anyways , nothing great to update as i have been on and off busy with the work . Infact,my work schedule online and offline has increased much more than i imagined [ what did i get myself into ].

Working for 2 years , a regular Routine of saturday , sunday off ... evenings around 7 leaving office had been fixed in my brain . Suddenly , now I'm at the mercy of myself which can be quite troublling , Even more late nights , late mornings , Work as u like , at ur time , ur own convinience ... u have the options initially and quite tempting to exploit but you are brought to earth pretty quickly as time passes by .

So what are the difference i have observed up till now.

1. When u are in a job mode , u do what u have been told what to do i.e restrictions or limits and not being able to take risks to go a little overboard to try to get more out of the project . While in a business , u can do a "little " more than reqd , a risk here or there , try things differently , experiment as they say to maximise output , you will succeed , you might fail , all part of a learning process.

2. There is no longer a Cheque kept at ur table at the start of a month . The pressure of "Business Earning" is much much more . Being salaried , u know u r getting a particular amount and there is no tension simply . But now , its a Wave effect ... there are crests , troughs and neutral period earnings and you are trying to achieve the highs or atleast neutral high to maintain a level of profits .

3. From being controlled , to Controlling beings . Everybody nowdays seems pissed off with their colleagues , bosses , aka the entire office for some reason or the other . Now You are the Boss and you have people working in the office . So after already being in the shoes of the latter , it helps to understand how to work accordingly with the people , to keep the people working for you motivated and simply - 'Happy' and 'Excited' to do tasks n jobs which come in now n then knowingly and unknowingly.

4. Finances - Being a science grad , its never been my strong point . I would find it hard to understand million different terms , taxes , rules , regulations etc etc . Now i have started to get an idea of these things and "ins and outs" of it , what are CA's for :-)

5. Lastly , what keeps me motivated and excited everday to go out n work, may sound cliched and stuff , but its true :-)

The oppurtunities in business are endless . Everyday , you learn something ... something new , something different . You learn it in nice ways or harsh realities simply put. The ability to grow in business ... as they say sky is the limit . All you got to do is to work hard to the best of your abilities , working around with good people who know at the end of the day to - Get the job done to the highest proffesional degree to everyones satisfaction and Always try to maintain a good PR ( public relation ) with every damm individual around you be it your current clients, your potential clients , your office worker , as nothing can do more good than say a good client recommending someone to get the job done from you ... simply put
1 >2>4>8>16.


Blogger SiteAdmin said...

well said man...
I believe be it a salaried job or ur own business, PR matters a lot... we all r here working for a company called "Me Inc."

Regd me: moi still in india...:( wud b flying in 3-4 days... Planning to come tomorrow if i finish my shopping today [after office].

May 07, 2005 10:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well said Puneet. Its a learning curve like none other and is well worth the pain ;)

May 12, 2005 12:39 AM  

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